Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment option that is clearly different than other treatment used to straighten teeth. With Invisalign, there are no metal wires or brackets used like there are with conventional metal braces. Instead, a series of clear removable aligners made of a plastic material are used to gradually shift teeth into the new positions. Invisalign is comfortable, convenient and a discreet way to improve a smile, making this treatment option very popular among teens and adults.
If you are considering Invisalign, you may be wondering what it’s like to wear aligners. Here is an overview of what you can expect during the first week as an Invisalign patient.
When you first start wearing Invisalign aligners, you can expect to feel some soreness as the aligners are putting pressure on your teeth. This uncomfortable feeling should ease after a few days as your teeth start to slowly shift. It’s important to know that each set of aligners you receive is designed to fit where your teeth should end up at the end of those two weeks, so the first few days of each new set is can be less comfortable. As you adjust and the aligner fits better, any soreness you feel will get better and you will know that Invisalign is working!
It is common for patients first wearing Invisalign to notice that they’re speaking with a slight lisp. If you notice a difference in your speech, don’t worry, as all you need to do is practice talking out loud or singing to yourself. Before long, your speech will return to normal as you get used to talking with the aligners in.
In order for Invisalign to be effective, the aligners must be worn between 20 and 22 hours per day. This means you need to have them in all the time except when you’re eating, brushing or flossing your teeth. It may feel strange having the aligners on your teeth at first, but after a few days you’ll grow accustomed to them.
It is common for new Invisalign patients to find it a bit challenging to put the aligners in and take them out easily. The aligners fit snugly over the teeth so adequate pressure is applied to the teeth. If you have difficulty putting your aligners in and taking them out, give it time. After a few days of putting your aligners in and taking them out, the process will become second nature and you will hardly think about it before eating or brushing.
It is important that you keep your aligners clean and fresh. From the first day you start wearing Invisalign, get into the habit of gently brushing your aligners and rinsing them when you’re brushing and flossing your teeth. This will make cleaning your aligners just another part of your daily oral hygiene routine
Hopefully, this information helped answer some of the questions you have about wearing Invisalign. We have five office locations in Sacramento, Roseville, Placerville, Modesto and El Dorado Hills, so if you are interested in Invisalign or have any questions, please contact your local office and we will be happy to help you!